Kategorie copyright

Other EU Committees tend to agree with Reda's report   Am 17. Februar 2015 - 22:46 Uhr von Tom Hirche

On January 20, Julia Reda, MEP for the German Pirate Party and Vice President of the Greens/EFA group, presented the draft report evaluating 2001's EU copyright directive (InfoSoc) to the Committee on Legal Affairs of the European Parliament. Now the other committees concerned with this subject have published their views on the report. Weiter

Now is the time to fix copyright!   Am 17. Februar 2015 - 21:18 Uhr von Tom Hirche

In her article published on The Digital Post, Caroline de Cock, Coordinator of the Copyright4Creativity (C4C) Coalition, claims that now is the time to fix European copyright law. And she is right. Weiter

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IGEL joins C4C   Am 29. Januar 2015 - 0:28 Uhr von Tom Hirche

We are very excited to announce that IGEL is now a member of Copyright for Creativity (C4C). We are very happy to team up with this pan-European coalition of NGOs including  European Digital Rights (EDRi), Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF)European Bureau of Library, Information, and Documentation Associations (EBLIDA) and many more groups and associations (see the full list of supporters here) working all together to promote a responsible and sustainable European copyright law for the digital age. Recent developments in Spain and discussions in other European Member States have raised concern that the ancillary copyright for press publishers might spread in Europe or even be introduced as a pan-European regulation. By partnering up with the C4C multi-stakeholder network we hope to raise more awareness and build a stronger resistance against such dangerous development for the digital world.

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Julia Reda publishes draft report for new EU copyright law   Am 20. Januar 2015 - 21:26 Uhr von Tom Hirche

Julia Reda, MEP for the German Pirate Party and Vice President of the Greens/EFA group, has released the draft report evaluating 2001's EU copyright directive (InfoSoc). She is a member of the Committee on Legal Affairs of the EU Parliament and was elected rapporteur on this particular issue in May. Weiter

European Copyright Society calls for unified European Copyright Law   Am 8. Januar 2015 - 14:38 Uhr von Tom Hirche

In an open letter to Günther Oettinger, European Commissioner for Digital Economy and Society, the European Copyright Society (ECS) calls for a sweeping reform of copyright law. Weiter

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