Verwandte Beiträge
- On our own account: IGEL joins C4C
- Open letter: 59 organisations encourage Axel Voss to delete ancillary copyright from the DSM directive
- New open letter representing a broad spectrum of stakeholders
- Our statement on the Commission's proposal regarding a European ancillary copyright for press publishers
- 2819 people raised their voices! #FixCopyright
- Open letter to EU Commission
- Now is the time to fix copyright!
IGEL joins C4C
We are very excited to announce that IGEL is now a member of Copyright for Creativity (C4C). We are very happy to team up with this pan-European coalition of NGOs including European Digital Rights (EDRi), Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF), European Bureau of Library, Information, and Documentation Associations (EBLIDA) and many more groups and associations (see the full list of supporters here) working all together to promote a responsible and sustainable European copyright law for the digital age. Recent developments in Spain and discussions in other European Member States have raised concern that the ancillary copyright for press publishers might spread in Europe or even be introduced as a pan-European regulation. By partnering up with the C4C multi-stakeholder network we hope to raise more awareness and build a stronger resistance against such dangerous development for the digital world.

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