Other EU Committees tend to agree with Reda's report Am 17. Februar 2015 - 22:46 Uhr von Tom Hirche
On January 20, Julia Reda, MEP for the German Pirate Party and Vice President of the Greens/EFA group, presented the draft report evaluating 2001's EU copyright directive (InfoSoc) to the Committee on Legal Affairs of the European Parliament. Now the other committees concerned with this subject have published their views on the report. Weiter
Now is the time to fix copyright! Am 17. Februar 2015 - 21:18 Uhr von Tom Hirche
In her article published on The Digital Post, Caroline de Cock, Coordinator of the Copyright4Creativity (C4C) Coalition, claims that now is the time to fix European copyright law. And she is right. Weiter
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Julia Reda publishes draft report for new EU copyright law Am 20. Januar 2015 - 21:26 Uhr von Tom Hirche
Julia Reda, MEP for the German Pirate Party and Vice President of the Greens/EFA group, has released the draft report evaluating 2001's EU copyright directive (InfoSoc). She is a member of the Committee on Legal Affairs of the EU Parliament and was elected rapporteur on this particular issue in May. Weiter
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Experten fordern im Bundestagsausschuss Abschaffung des Leistungsschutzrechts Am 4. Dezember 2014 - 16:09 Uhr von Tom Hirche
- Bundestagsausschuss Digitale Agenda
- Philipp Otto
- Judith Steinbrecher
- Thomas Hoeren
- Axel Metzger
- Gerald Spindler
Der Bundestagsausschuss Digitale Agenda lud am gestrigen Mittwoch fünf Sachverständige zu einem öffentlichen Fachgespräch ein. Inhaltlich ging es allgemein um eine Reform des Urheberrechts sowie besonders um das Leistungsschutzrecht für Presseverleger. Weiter
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