German District Court considers ancillary copyright null and void Am 8. Februar 2017 - 13:50 Uhr von Till Kreutzer
Akteure: Schlagworte: Lizenz:
In an oral hearing at the district court of Berlin on Tuesday, the presiding judge held that the German ancillary copyright (ac) had to be notified by the German Government. If the court clings to this assessment the German ac could be declared ineffective, null and void. Weiter
Easy come, easy go: How the new copyright directive will take away what the Court has just given to the creators Am 1. September 2016 - 20:10 Uhr von Till Kreutzer
Yesterday we informed you about most of the downsides – there are not really upsides – of the leaked draft for a new EU copyright directive. There is particularly one more thing to be added: The #creatorgate clause. Weiter