Am 17. Februar 2015 - 19:19 Uhr von Tom Hirche

Now is the time to fix copyright!

Publikationsdatum 17.02.2015 ~ Art des Materials: Akteure: Schlagworte: Soziales System: Lizenz: 

In her article published on The Digital Post, Caroline de Cock, Coordinator of the Copyright4Creativity (C4C) Coalition, claims that now is the time to fix European copyright law. And she is right.

De Cock says that the current copyright framework feels "absurd, not of this time, incomprehensible". Most of the applicable laws date back to the year 2001, when the EU Copyright Directive ("Infosoc") was adopted. A time de Cock describes as "Pre-YouTube, Twitter, pre-pretty much everything we consider a given today". That is why we need a modern copyright law that is fit for the 21st century.

Researchers, educational institutions and libraries would stumble to fulfil their public mission "discovering new methods and tools, teaching, giving access to culture and preserving it, etc." due to the legal framework. The digitisation of newspapers is just one of the many problems she mentions. And this is by far not the only situation where the current copyright rules don't make any sense.

Although Caroline de Cock admits that there is no "magic recipe", the Copyright4Creativity Manifesto identifies four key elements that need to be approached:

1. A Copyright review that simplifies and modernizes the rules to bring them into line with today’s reality and comprises a flexible norm to cope with future evolutions;

2. Increased harmonization based on a mandatory list of limitations and exceptions, that enables both users and businesses to understand their rights and obligations across the EU;

3. A shortening of duration that does not extend beyond what international treaties require as well as a faster transfer to the public domain; and,

4. A review of the implementation and enforcement of copyright rules, based on demonstrated harm and the rule of law, including an in-depth reassessment of private copy levies and the preservation of intermediary liability rules.



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