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- Open letter: 59 organisations encourage Axel Voss to delete ancillary copyright from the DSM directive
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- Open Letter: 59 Organisationen fordern Axel Voss auf, das Leistungsschutzrecht aus der Urheberrechts-Richtlinie zu streichen
- Open letter to EU Commission
- How Article 17 of the EU Copyright Directive threatens Let's Play and Walkthrough Culture
- German government is intentionally stalling evaluation process to prevent evidence against publishers' right
- New open letter representing a broad spectrum of stakeholders
Towards a better copyright
Am 21. September 2016 - 9:28 Uhr von Tom Hirche
Akteure: Schlagworte: Lizenz:
Two weeks ago, Communia together with EDRi held the event "Copyright reform – unlocking copyright for users?" in the European Parliament. It was hosted by MEPs Comodini Cachia (EPP) and Carlos Zorrinho (S&D). Several represantatives of digital rights' organizations, publishers, creative industries, collecting societies and artists took part and discussed the future of copyright. Film maker Sebastiaan ter Burg asked some of the experts from civil society organizations for their view on the current copyright reform and later created this nice short video to show their answers:

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