Leaked Impact Assessment on the copyright reform recommends an ancillary copyright on steroids! Am 25. August 2016 - 16:07 Uhr von Till Kreutzer
Yesterday, Statewatch leaked a draft version of the Impact Assessment (IA) report for the upcoming copyright reform. Concerning the area of publisher’s rights it leaves a devastating impression. The authors of the IA suggest introducing a new ancillary/neighbouring right for news publishers with a broad scope. And they make it sound like this would be an obvious and particularly good choice.
The link is not save, yet! Am 8. Mai 2016 - 15:56 Uhr von Tom Hirche
The EU Commission's public consultation on the role of publishers in the copyright value chain and on the 'panorama exception' is still running. That gives you the chance to speak up for a free Internet and to prevent the Commisson from proposing an ancillary copyright that will hurt everybody. Weiter
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#FixCopyright at re:publica Am 26. April 2016 - 22:54 Uhr von Tom Hirche
In less than one week, the annual re:publica will open its gates again. Among the approximately 850 speakers will be Caroline de Cock. She is a Coordinator at Copyright for Creativity (C4C) will kick off the new #FixCopyright campaign! Weiter